3rd October

Auto-enrolment considerations for employers

Daniel Hardiman

Auto-enrolment is a major development on the horizon for Irish employers. With the government's plan to introduce this new pension scheme, it’s vital that businesses of all sizes understand what it entails, why it is being introduced, and how they...

17th April

Get your life cover in place when you don’t need it

Daniel Hardiman

Get your life cover in place when you don't need it. Experience in the life assurance industry shows that most life assurance policies are taken out by people in their 30’s, 40’s and to a lesser extent in their 50’s....

14th February

How to Improve Your Financial Mindset

Daniel Hardiman

How to improve your financial mindset The most famous of all investors, Warren Buffett once said, “People seeking riches never have enough. Wealth is a state of mind. Wealthy people always have enough.” To him, riches are a monetary amount...

13th April

What Can We Learn from the Past Decade?

Daniel Hardiman

Do you remember 2013? It sounds quite recent, but then when you think about the major events that happened that year, they seem so long ago. That was the year that Nelson Mandela died at the age of 95, two...

8th February

The great new wealth extraction opportunity for business owners

Daniel Hardiman

Apart from the volatility in investment markets and everything else going on in the economy and the world in general, 2022 was also a tumultuous year in the world of pensions for business owners.   This is where it gets...

11th April

How Can you Reduce Inheritance Tax for Your Beneficiaries

Daniel Hardiman

As Benjamin Franklin once said, “in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” However the good news is that both of these don’t necessarily have to occur together. This is one area where we...

9th February

Financial Priorities in your 30s

Daniel Hardiman

What's important financially when in your 30's This is the first in a series of articles that will be aimed at people at different stages of life. Today we're starting with those in their younger more carefree years, but probably...

7th December

Financial Priorities for each stage of life

Daniel Hardiman

What are your financial needs now? We spend our days helping clients to plan their financial futures. What we see is that people face similar challenges depending on their stage of life. At the same time of course, each and...

7th December

5 Key Principles to Becoming a successful investor

Daniel Hardiman

Investing today can be a bit of a minefield. You could end up paralysed by fear, worrying about the possible impact of the likes of Covid, Brexit, market fluctuations and the economic impact of climate change. However as your financial...

16th June

Is it time to get your money off deposit?

Daniel Hardiman

Are we finally getting back to normal? It’s great to see people out and about again as the country eases itself out of lockdown. And for all of those retail businesses that were forced to close their doors, the early...

8th April

5 lessons from living through Lockdown

Daniel Hardiman

We’re currently doing a lot of planning work with clients whose financial situations have changed greatly in the last year. As part of this process, we’ve taken a little bit of time to stop and reflect on some of the...

10th December

Daniel Hardiman

What can we learn from Warren Buffett? Where do you start with Warren Buffett? Widely recognised as the world’s shrewdest investor, the “Sage of Omaha” is now 90 years young and still doling out nuggets of advice to investors across...

6th August

How to Cut Down on Your Spending after Lockdown

Daniel Hardiman

A huge amount of the time we spend with our clients is spent building an understanding of your goals in life and developing a financial plan to help you achieve your objectives. A lot of attention goes into your retirement...

10th April

How we can help you during the Covid 19 Crisis

Daniel Hardiman

What a crazy world we live in right now and how so much has changed over the past 6 weeks or so. The priority for everyone is to stay safe and healthy and hopefully we will all get through this...

2nd April

Minimise the impact of divorce on your financial plan

Daniel Hardiman

Minimise the impact of divorce on your financial plan A marriage breakup is usually a traumatic time. Very significant life decisions are needed about custody of children and access arrangements, and where each party will live. Often relations between the...

2nd April

8 important principles to teach your kids about money

Daniel Hardiman

In today’s era of consumerism on a grand scale, it can be hard to maintain a clear and constant perspective about the value of money. Many of us muddle along, surviving, making mistakes and getting by. However this is no...

13th August

8 Great Financial Goals to Improve Your Lifestyle

Daniel Hardiman

I find that August is the most popular time of year for annual leave and holidays. The kids summer camps are coming to an end and it's a good time for the family to get away for some quality time....

24th July

Lessons from a Mexican Fisherman

Daniel Hardiman

Lessons from a Mexican Fisherman We’d like to share a story with you that originated back in 1963 when published by the German writer, Heinrich Böll. It’s a very short story, but perfectly captures one of the key messages that...

21st May

Claims are What Count

Daniel Hardiman

As part of our financial planning conversations with you, we always bring the attention around to subjects that are not easy to think about – a serious illness or death visiting a family member or indeed yourself. We all naturally...

1st September

What Income Protection is and what it is not

Daniel Hardiman

What Income Protection is What Income Protection is and what it is not. As financial brokers helping our clients to build a better financial future for themselves, we are talking to clients every day about a whole range of issues...

1st June

How time flies – do something today that your future self will thank you for

Daniel Hardiman

How time flies   How time flies ; without doubt the favourite part of my job as a financial planner is helping people who have reached retirement age to access their pension benefits. This is a significant milestone in their...

5th March

The five financial mistakes you don’t want to make in your 30s

Daniel Hardiman

Great to be a part of this Irish Times article and well worth a read for all 30 year olds like myself out there! PDF version of the article in the Irish Times

27th October

5 ways to be tax effective

Daniel Hardiman

5 ways to be tax effective Tax is a necessary evil. If we want to live in a country with access to public services, taxation is the system used to pay for these services. We can (and do!) argue and...

14th September

Purchase a property with your pension fund

Daniel Hardiman

Purchase a property with your pension fund Typically, most pension funds invest in a mix of assets that combine a portfolio of equities (shares in international companies), government bonds, property and cash. But there is also another option which many...

30th August

What’s the link between All-Ireland winning teams and a successful financial plan?

Daniel Hardiman

What's the link between All-Ireland winning teams and a successful financial plan? In this blog I discuss the similarities between All-Ireland Winning teams and Successful financial plans. 1: Long Term Goals Are Required The ultimate goal for any inter-county team...

9th June

Want a Free Garmin Watch?

Daniel Hardiman

Want a Free Garmin Watch? Want a free Garmin watch and Cash Back on your life insurance? Life insurance can be a pretty dull topic to talk about at times but we have some really exciting news. We have been...

4th May

Where do You Buy Your Life Insurance?

Daniel Hardiman

Where do You Buy Your Life Insurance? All life assurance policies are the same? The best place to buy life assurance is online or from your bank? The only thing to consider when buying life assurance is the price? Well...

4th May

I’m in my 30’s. Where Should I be With My Finances?

Daniel Hardiman

I'm in my 30's. Where Should I be With My Finances? It's likely that you will experience some exciting life changes in your 30s such as advancing in your career, getting married, having kids, purchasing your own home etc. As...

4th May

Start Saving for Your Children’s Future & get a €100 kickstart

Daniel Hardiman

Start Saving for Your Children's Future & get a €100 kickstart We all want to give our children the best possible start in life and a good education is a top priority. However, this can be a lot more costly...